One of the most crucial aspects that gamers and live gaming streamers consider when looking for a gaming computer is the GPU or Graphics Processing Unit. This is a specialised processor which enhances the graphics and is used in gaming, video editing and machine learning. However, it is not really easy to get hands-on the best GPUs at reasonable budgets. Due to its high demand and features, there is a scarcity of the best GPU on the market, so there are chances of getting poor quality GPUs at an exorbitant price. If you want to get hold of the best GPU, then check out the list of essential features that a high-quality GPU should contain.


The two main companies in charge of making GPU chips are Nvidia and AMD, with Nvidia capturing the major market share. Other companies are also there, such as EVGA, ASUS, MSI and Gigabyte, which manufacture the body and fans of the graphics card but take the Nvidia and AMD chips. The chip of a graphic card is the most important part and are extremely intricate and complex in design. While discussing the budget, the gigabyte cards are a good option if you are on a tight budget but do not want to compromise on quality, so go in for EVGA cards as they are a premium brand. The best gaming PC almost always goes in for the Nvidia or AMD chips to offer their customers the best gaming experience.

Ray Tracing

The latest brands of GPUs have an amazing capability, which is called ray- tracing. The ray-tracing effect is responsible for creating more realistic in-game lighting effects, which brings out an overall difference in the gaming experience. As a gamer, you will realise how beneficial ray-tracing capabilities are in the experience of gaming and live game streaming. Now comes the important part of finding out which GPU has this amazing capability. You will see an “RTX” label that signifies that the particular GPU has ray-tracing capability. Some of the best gaming PC has the RTX labelled GPU card for giving users the best experience.


Memory is another crucial aspect that you need to consider while looking for the best GPU. Generally, the standard GPUs come with 12 GB or 12 gigabytes of memory. Still, companies like Nvidia are also coming up with newer cards such as Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 with 24 GB of video memory. If you are not tight on a budget, go in for the 24 GB card, as the higher the memory, the better the resolution you can get. A Custom-built pc is another great option for installing a 24 GB GPU card rather than a pre-built one.

Clock Speed

This is one of the aspects that most users tend to overlook while buying a GPU. The clock speed is crucial because it affects the framerate that the GPU can produce. That is why, always aim for cards that have a higher clock speed. Thus, a higher clock speed means your games will run at a higher framerate. Apart from games, a greater clock speed also indicates that you have the best pc config for video editing.


Cooling is vital to maintain the performance capability of your pc. You will notice that playing games on any device, be it laptop, pc or mobiles, emit a lot of heat. Unchecked emission of heat can cause terrible accidents such as explosions or skin problems. That is why it is necessary to purchase a GPU with enough fans to cool down the unit. Even if the GPU becomes excessively hot due to constant functioning, the fans will keep a check and let off the excessive heat.


Power is also extremely important in the sense that your power supply powers your GPU as well as all of its components. That is why the power supply should adhere to the minimum requirement as it powers up the entire unit. While purchasing a GPU, look out for the minimum power watts that is recommended usually. If there is a shortage of power supply, then your pc may not work. One of the benefits that you can get from a custom-built pc is that you can be assured about the minimum power watts that are required.

Extra Information

Many users are worried whether installing a graphics card will hamper the stream or not, and how will it do so. Yes, a graphic card hampers the stream if you have a low-end GPU, reducing the game’s graphics settings. This also reduces the clock speed and reduces the framerate below 60 frames per second, making a difference to the viewers. A better-quality GPU will encode your video for your stream, divide some workload from your CPU and result in a more stable stream. This is especially good for getting the best pc config for video editing.

Final Words

Now that you know everything about the characteristics of a high-end GPU, you can contact us at Kryptronix Gaming to get the best custom-built and pre-built PC at amazing rates. Our team is qualified, experienced and passionate about building the best gaming pc for you!